Equipping Students with Survival Skills: Han Chiang High School Organises Life Camp to Cultivate Students’ Self-reliance

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” — Mahatma Gandhi
On January 20, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC) conducted a life camp at Han Chiang High School to equip participants with essential survival skills. The event aims to cultivate students’ self-reliance, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.
A total of 40 participants including students from Han Chiang High School, Jit Sin High School and volunteers from PYDC, engaged in activities such as knot tying, outdoor cooking, crafting small tools, map skills, obstacle crossing, and understanding Morse codes. The day-long intensive training program concluded at 5.30 p.m., leaving participants with enjoyable and enriching experiences as they embarked on their journey home.
At eight in the morning, the teachers divided the students into eight teams and gave a quick rundown of the activities they would be participating in. First, they had to tie knots. Specifically, they learned how to make a reef knot, used to bind bandages. Following that, they had a quick break and went for lunch at the canteen. Second, since building campfires and cooking in the backcountry is a crucial survival skill, they were taught how to do so. Over the fire, they grilled chicken and made eggs.
They began eating lunch at the canteen at 12:30 p.m. As the participants share experiences and create new friendships over a substantial lunch, utensil clatter and laughter reverberate throughout the space. The attendees had to learn about compass-bearing after enjoying the warming food. They gained helpful skills by learning how to travel through woodlands. The pupils start building camp gadgets, or buildings created at camp out of sticks and stings, at 2:30 pm. The kids tried a lot before coming up with an impressive camp device, because, as they say, practice makes perfect. Participants learn how to foster teamwork among themselves through this activity. Lastly, participants get to learn how to use walkie-talkies for communication. Walkie-talkie comes in handy when you are in a low-signal area. Therefore, learning this skill is crucial.
The closing ceremony is held around 4.45 pm. Together, the participants cleaned up the mess. Before ending, the camp organisers, Mr Goh and Ms Ong delivered a speech, believing that participants had gained knowledge and wonderful experiences throughout the entire camp. Finally, at 5.30 pm, the Survival Quest Day Camp had come to an end. Participants went home.
Students’ Opinion About the Camp
Yeoh Zi Yu, an active participant from PYDC shared her motivation to acquire new skills through enrollment in the programme. In the course, Zi Yu found the tie knot activity particularly captivating as it provided valuable insights into bandaging techniques for assisting injured individuals. Zi Yu commends the scouts for their willingness to assist without reservation, expressing genuine delight about being part of the camp. She looks forward to acquiring additional skills in future camps and events.
Tan Yen Ying, a spirited student from Han Chiang High School, enthusiastically shared her remarkable experience participating in this program. She described the event as an immersive blend of education and hands-on activities, with the culinary segment emerging as a standout highlight. Yen Ying vividly conveyed the newfound skills and confidence she acquired, illustrating how the camp became a catalyst for her personal growth. Yen Ying also emphasised the camp’s distinctive nature, urging others to consider joining in the future. She highlighted not only the expansion of her knowledge but also the cultivation of lasting memories and connections.
A volunteer from PYDC named Hiew Qi Ying joined this programme to accompany her friend. By doing that, she gained some new knowledge and learned new skills. For example, she was able to make basic knots and gadgets; she even learned how to cook by roasting chicken on a campfire her team prepared. She also faced some troubles as she was worried about letting her team down since she didn’t have any scouting experience. Moreover, she felt she had quite an exciting time at the programme by meeting and interacting with new friends, mastering new techniques and building teamwork. Besides that, she befriended an Indian girl called Asmitha by becoming her translator as she didn’t know Malay or Chinese, making that the most memorable part of the day.
Other than that, Eng E-Jean from Jit Sin High School participated in the programme because of encouragement from her school. She was particularly excited to learn backwoods cooking as she thinks it is an essential skill to know when surviving in the wild. Furthermore, she described the details of making a campfire and ways to handle the fire. However, she felt that communication during the programme was challenging since there were different ethnicities with different spoken languages. Although that was a problem, she solved it by encouraging everyone to speak in English so everyone would understand. She also learned the meaningful value of teamwork and cooperation through discussing and separating members to do tasks when doing group activities. In addition, she was very proud to represent her school to partake in this programme and wishes to teach her newly learnt skills to her friends at school. She highly recommends others to join this kind of programme as it is very beneficial and fun.

韩江日新学子们齐聚一堂 一同体验PYDC生活营

来自PYDC的志愿者Anis Solihah Bt Mohd. Hafiz也说体验相当的不错,主办方应该常常举办这样的活动,让学生们有机会在轻松的氛围中更深入学习童军知识和许多有趣的新事物,给学生们带来许多的好处。在当天的生活营中印象最深刻的是学习一些从未尝试过的知识和体验,比如篝火烹饪,这项特别的经历是让人难以忘怀。

韩中优秀学术成果获肯定 颁发“韩江之光”殊荣予就读于中国北大清华之韩中学子


Where Talent Meets Success: Han Chiang High School Prodigies Showcase Exceptional Project to Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. – Michael Jordan
Three students from Han Chiang High School, namely Ong Chong Yao (SE22), Quah Yi Jie (SE22), and Mok Zi Xuan (SE21), showcased their project at the recent exhibition held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Their innovative project, the Smart Home A-Eye Bin, gained significant attention, and they had the distinct honour of presenting it to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, on the 16th of January 2024. They were interviewed about their path to glory when notified about their success.
Before their impressive exhibition at Universiti Putra Malaysia, these three talented students had already established themselves as champions in the 2023 Intel Competition. The journey to success was not without its challenges, as they dedicated themselves to refining and perfecting their project. Balancing their academic commitments, they often devote their precious time to their creation.
Amid preparations, the team faced a critical moment during the Intel Competition when their project encountered a malfunction during testing. Undeterred, Ong Chong Yao, one of the team members, exhibited unwavering determination. Recalling the intensity of the situation, he revealed that he sacrificed a night’s sleep to address the bug, ultimately ensuring the project’s functionality.
The team entered the 2023 Intel Competition with a mindset focused on delivering a smooth presentation. Winning was not a foreseen outcome, and they were pleasantly surprised when they were announced as winners. Little did they anticipate that their journey from a successful competition would extend to a presentation to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, making this experience even more remarkable.
The opportunity to present their project to the Prime Minister left all three students, Ong Chong Yao, Quah Yi Jie, and Mok Zi Xuan, with an overwhelming sense of awe and gratitude. They collectively expressed that this experience felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, acknowledging the rarity of having the chance to showcase their creation to the highest echelon of political leadership. Grateful for the opportunity to share their innovative project with the Prime Minister, the students recognised the exceptional nature of this opportunity, marking a milestone in their academic and innovative journey. 
Moreover, they were very proud of their presentation as they thought their hard work had paid off. They exclaimed that they felt a sense of accomplishment after coming a long way, presenting to the Malaysia Prime Minister. While they are proud of themselves, they acknowledge areas of potential growth. One of their team members, Quah Yi Jie, highlighted that he often stutters during presentations due to a lack of confidence. However, during this particular event, this did not happen often.
They claimed that their coach, Mr Yap didn’t interfere with their exhibition, as he wanted to develop their independent skills that would be essential in their future. But when the team had issues that needed to be sorted out, Mr Yap was always an unwavering pillar of support. Investing his time and effort, he became a crucial figure in ensuring the team’s success, helping them achieve the impossible.
In offering guidance to aspiring students, they emphasize the importance of actively participating in competitions. They stress that making mistakes is an unavoidable aspect of the learning process and a critical component of personal growth. According to them, the journey towards improvement and success involves embracing challenges and learning from errors. Additionally, the trio expresses heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Wah and Ms. Peggy, acknowledging their pivotal role in enhancing the team’s fluency in English during presentations. Without Dr. Wah and Ms. Peggy, the students believe they wouldn’t have become this impressive.
The Project– the Smart Home A-Eye Bin
Their project– the Smart Home A-Eye Bin, was a rubbish bin that can automatically solve your cache using artificial intelligence. It was sorted into three categories as of right now, which are paper, plastic and metal. Ong Chong Yao, one of the team members, had addressed the deficient waste management near his house, which bothered him to see all the mixed-up trash that was difficult to recycle. That inspired him to start a project and to promote an effective way to sort out the rubbish. Therefore, he and his other team members decided to create the Smart Home A-Eye Bin to solve the problem of improper disposal.

未来科技之星,展现科技创新风采 韩中3学子向首相展示智能家居垃圾桶

本校三名学生于2024116日,参与了在马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM)所举办的科技展览会。这三名学生分别是王崇耀(SE22)、柯奕杰(SE22)以及莫紫璇(SE21)。他们的作品,智能家居A-Eye垃圾桶(Smart Home A-Eye Bin)曾在全国科技比赛中夺得冠军宝座。在此次的展览会,他们有幸把这个作品呈现给我国的首相,拿督斯里安华•依布拉欣。这对于他们来说,是个莫大的荣幸。
他们声称,他们的教练,叶进博老师,想要培养他们未来必不可少的独立技能,因此没有干涉他们的筹备过程。但当团队遇到瓶颈时,叶教练总是会提供帮助,投入他的时间和精力,默默地给予他们支持和鼓励。他们坦言,叶教练是确保团队能够成功的关键人物,帮助他们实现了不可能的任务。三人也对华子慧博士和Ms. Peggy表达了由衷的感激之情,两人在提高团队英语演讲的流利度方面发挥了关键作用。他们坚信,没有老师们的帮助,他们不会有如此卓越的成就。对于未来想要参加此类比赛的学生,他们强调了积极参与比赛的重要性。他们认为,犯错是学习过程中不可避免的一部分,也是一个人成长的关键,通往进步和成功的旅程也涉及接受挑战,并从错误中学习。

向霸凌说 不! 拒绝霸凌 从你我做起

李讲师也分享到在校园主要分为5种霸凌,其中包括关系霸凌、语言上的霸凌、网络霸凌、性霸凌以及肢体霸凌。首先是关系霸凌,其中包括去外号 并且孤立当事人 散播谣言;而言语上的霸凌是指侮辱他人并给予威胁 、恐吓、言语上的攻击以及诽谤。;网络霸凌则是通过文字进行一系列的骚扰、威胁、排挤 同时散播他人的梗图。;性霸凌是不友善的描述对方的样貌,性别特征,性倾向,性别认同进行攻击或威胁。;最后是肢体霸凌,肢体霸凌是通过身体接触进行攻击和伤害他人。最后李老师提出霸凌往往不只是单一的种类,也可能逐渐演变成多种类型同时进行。
在面对霸凌是李讲师 支持被害者应保持冷静保护好自身安全,并且清楚的记录好证据,其中包括时间 地点 施暴者的身份 语言行为 等。最后向师长报告 ,当然在必要时可以在家长的陪同下到警察局报案。当旁观者发现霸凌行为时,也必须向前基于帮助,并保持冷静不忽略霸凌行为。及时向师长报告,同时作为一个聆听的对象 给予陪伴以及安慰 。李讲师指出无论是成年或未成年的施暴者应接受相应的惩罚。她也呼吁受害者勇敢的向身边的老师或同学倾述,方便他们给予帮助。
最后,李讲师表示无论在过去 有没有遇到霸凌方面的问题,她希望我们通过这次的讲座改变自信。本次的讲座也在上午9时圆满结束。

The Journey of Chris – Embracing Challenges, Friendship, and Knowledge for a Better World

Chris is a Han Chiang High School student who graduated in 2002, but his heart still misses Han Chiang High School. During Han Chiang High School’s big flood in 2018, Chris stepped up to the cause and gathered many Thai students and friends to donate RM2,000 to our beloved flooded school. Since leaving, Chris managed to accomplish many impressive achievements through hard work. Over the next few years, Chris will be pursuing his PhD, but before leaving, he visited Han Chiang High School to say his goodbyes while reliving his memories and seeing what has changed.
Given the rare opportunity, an interview was held with Chris to learn about his experiences as a foreigner and the challenges and achievements that made Chris who he is today. Language, as we all know, is the key to communication, but a new language isn’t easy to grasp. As a foreigner from Thailand, Chris struggled to learn Chinese at first. Nevertheless, Chris gave his all to pick up Chinese through frequent studying and completing Chinese exercises. In the end, Chris’ hard work paid off, as he can speak Chinese fluently. Therefore, Chris can easily communicate with foreigners from various countries. Besides that, Chris used his Chinese knowledge to pass the Chulalongkorn University entrance exam.
With language comes friendship. If there’s anything Chris values from his years in Han Chiang High School, it’s knowing his schoolmates, some of whom today are his lifelong friends. This strong bonding was apparent, especially when Chris asked them to contribute to his flood donation during the big Han Chiang High School flood. Since Chris departed from Han Chiang High School, he has revisited Penang a few times to relive and enjoy Penang’s famous hawker food, culture and shopping.
Chris was set on gathering funds to donate to help Han Chiang High School with the flood, as it has a special place in his heart. Although Chris faced some difficulties, such as being unable to contact his friends because they had gone a long time without contact, he still tried to find a way to help. Chris found a small group of friends to spread the word and eventually contacted enough people to gather RM2,000 of funds. After Chris dropped out of Han Chiang High School, he continued his high school education in Bangkok. Other than that, he used his knowledge gained from Han Chiang High School to excel in university.
Many people helped Chris in his journey to success, especially his parents and teacher, to which he expressed gratitude. Chris’ parents sent him to Han Chiang High School in the first place and gave him affirmation and encouragement during the hard times to become the best version of himself. Despite Chris’ teacher being strict, she taught him a lot of useful knowledge and played a big part in his good academics. Moreover, she motivated Chris to work hard even after failure.
Success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life, so Chris has faced many difficulties ever since dropping out, and most importantly adapted based on the struggle to solve it and thrive. Chris’ main problem is putting too much pressure on himself. For instance, there was once Chris got below 50 on a science test. The devastation caused Chris to stop eating and almost get sick. Chris was obsessed with getting good scores, as he wanted to make his parents proud. Nonetheless, Chris had good friends who encouraged him to stay positive and try harder next time.
As a result of Chris’ success currently, he sees himself graduating from his PhD study and hopes to come back to Chulalongkorn University as a lecturer in 5 years. Chris wants to teach more challenging modules, such as pronunciation or linguistic theory and wishes for his knowledge to benefit the country.
Last but not least, Chris gave some helpful advice to all Han Chiang High School students. Life nowadays is more challenging for young students with lots of technology which they have to grasp. Students must learn to use technology appropriately and effectively to further enhance their capabilities, and absorb good knowledge. In particular, students need to use their judgement to differentiate good and bad. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be beneficial.
Greatness is not easy to achieve without consistency and hard work, yet Chris has done it. Chris has many amazing qualities that are worth all students to learn and pick up. That way, students can become a contributing member of society.

新春音乐会 “The Sound of Spring” 1月27日我们不见不散!

为了提供一个展示音乐才艺的舞台基于才华洋溢的同学们,并筹集足够的资金来改善设备及加强课程,提高成员们的技能水平。本校的流行乐团将于2024127日,晚上730分至930分,在本校连登堂举行新春音乐会“The Sound of Spring”。同时,这场音乐会也是一个向观众们展现东西方的奇妙以及独特的音乐文化。除了有大约20名来自流行乐团的成员们将会参与本次的演出之外,大会也并同邀请本校的舞蹈团以及校外歌手前来参与本次的音乐会。
本次的音乐会取名为“The Sound of Spring” 的主要原因是春天是处于冬天和夏天之间的季节。春天是一个非常重要的季节,象征着从寒冷而不适的冬季转变到阳光明媚的日子。新春音乐会旨在传达对这个全新的季节和即将到来的一年的兴奋之情。流行乐团的成员们即将在这次的音乐会呈现各种风格的音乐,如摇滚、流行和爵士,观众们也有机会看到成员们演奏许多不同类型的乐器,如键盘、吉他、贝斯和鼓。
当然,新春音乐会的普通门票目前仍然可以购买,普通票价为RM20,有兴趣购买的同学可以寻找相关的流行乐团团员购买,欢迎大家多多支持!大家也可以关注流行乐团的Instagram账号(hanchiang.liveband),以了解更多关于此音乐会的详情。新春音乐会“The Sound of Spring”,127日我们不见不散!

全国大专辩论会中学冠军联赛 韩中辩论队夺亚军 锺昀璇获总决赛及全程最佳辩手奖

而身为辩士坊的顾问老师,同时也是辩论队的负责老师,钟丽萍老师表示,自己在筹备期间负责为同学们寻找赞助、租借学校练习场地、安排交通以及陪练团的住宿。期间也会遭遇经费不足的困难,幸而学生们的家长体谅辩论队的处境,辩手甚至愿意补贴陪练团,这才造就了这场荣耀的归来。钟老师感慨道,自己能够明显的看出同学们在比赛中显著的进步。她自从去年七月份就开始带队,看着优秀的同学们不断寻求突破,主动寻找队伍进行友谊赛,让她感到无比欣慰。最后,钟老师形容这场赛事十分的 “棒!”,并对同学们宽慰道,他们已是最棒的队伍了。大家能够进到决赛已经非常不易,可正所谓 “胜败乃是兵家常事”,最重要的是懂得吸取经验,从中成长。在钟老师的心目中,这场比赛,同学们已然战胜了自己,无愧于心。同学们在这场比赛的成功,钟老师可谓是功不可没。因此同学们也十分感激她与教练,表示“对你的爱永远表达不完!”、“老师你也很棒!”,令人动容。

2023年度统考成绩杰出 韩中高中李咏恩获9A 初中罗慧洁7A









高中统考优秀考生 初中统考优秀考生
9A 李咏恩
8A 何谚、刘荟俪、林怡君
7A 谢咏彤
6A 林子轩、罗玠宜、叶睿哲
5A 林彦昀、蔡汶祐、洪君惟、林俊溢、邓欣羚、黄稼悦、邱柔奕
4A 许哲权、黎敬轩、王钲棣、李洁欣、陈颖、郑伟彬、赵阳、陀婉倩
3A 李毅康、林家兴、庄蕙暄、陈姿籼、周楷哲、黄紫绮、陈进、林缋諠、黄莉筠、黄奕凯、陈依琳、单美、黄靖宁、黄子腾、王美莉、周传滨、黄式扬、杨玮琦

7A 罗慧洁
5A 李思侨
4A 马容健
3A 傅凯铭、张洁恩