韩江中学在曼谷世界学者杯大获全胜 Victory In Bangkok: World Scholar’s Cup

为了增加学生的知识及培养应变能力,本校于91日至97日派学生代表到泰国曼谷参加比赛。这项比赛是曼谷世界学者杯国际赛WSC(World Scholar’s Cup) Bangkok
在这56个月的时间里,他们共有6种科目需要进行修读,其中包含科学、社会研究、特区、历史、文学和媒体、艺术、音乐及其他的校外课程。他们需要对这六种科目有充分的研究及了解,才能够在比赛当中表现优异。于93日,他们参与Scholar’s Challenge,  Collaborative Writing, Team Debate。这项活动是让学生们做出正确的选择,并成功应用对这六个科目的知识,就可获得奖牌。于94日,本校的学生参与了Scholar’s Bowl
Collaborative Writing这项活动是从六个主题领域中获得六个提示,去探索有创意及有说服力的论点。Team Debate称为团队辩论。辩论的目的是为了运用自己学到的一切来提出具有说服力及有逻辑性的理由。Scholar’s Bowl这项活动可以让团队里的队员共同努力去解决分析问题和多媒体挑战。Scholars’s Challenge需在1小时内回答120个问题。
高中组的杨顺明、谢宇淇和潘威升赢得了全场第四名、Team Challenge冠军以及Team Writing第十名。同样,高中组的黄衍锦、李悦恩、叶乔妍同学在全场比赛中得了第八名、Team Debate季军和Team Bowl第七名。李悦恩本人也在Individual Debate的项目获得了季军。
另外,初中组的黄若熙赢了Individual Challenge季军,而她与队友则得了Team Challenge第七名。初中组的黄思恒、吴诗琦和钟宁敏也赢了Team Challenge第十名与Team Writing第九名的奖项。
高中组第四名的团队队员包括来自JSE11的杨顺明、SE11的谢宇淇和C13的潘威升。经过两年的磨练与幸苦的准备, 三位同学表示对自己荣获的成就非常满意,并且希望能够在下一场 Tournament of Champions再次脱颖而出、艰难玉成。他们认为World Scholar’s Cup这个比赛是一个了不起的经验和一个很好的机会。三位表示非常感激对方——他们的队友,因为如果大家没有团队合作、没有互相配合, 就不会取得如今辉煌的成绩。
黄若熙 J1E1
陈瑞君 J1E2
庄子芫 J2E3
吴诗琦 J2E1
钟宁敏 J2E1
黄思恒 J2E1
谢宇淇 SE11
潘威升 C13
杨顺明 JSE11
黄衍锦 SE12
李悦恩 JSE13
叶乔妍 SE12
彭俊文 S1
张琪恩 J31
In September, 14 of Han Chiang High School’s very own students participated in the World Scholar’s Cup Bangkok Global Round, each one returning victorious.
The competition was held from 1st to 7th September in Bangkok with over 1500 participants from all over the globe, including Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Cambodia, Vietnam, Kenya, and so on.
After months of blood, sweat, and tears, the students were able to break through the main competitive events with ease. The competition consisted of 4 main components: Team Debate, Collaborative Writing, Scholar’s Challenge, and the Scholar’s Bowl; these events were based on the theme of 2022: A World Renewed.
Once again, Han Chiang High School returns victorious. From the Senior Division, there was a total of 8 students: Estelle Sia Yu Qi from SE11, Samuel Phun Wei Xen from C13, Yeoh Soon Meng from JSE11, Ooi Yan Jin from SE12, Christina Lee Davin from JSE13, Yap Q-Ann from SE12, Pang Jun Wen from S1, and Teoh Qi En from J31. In the Junior Division, the 2 teams consisted of Wong Yeok Hei from J1E1, Alycia Tan Rui Juin from J1E2, Marcus Chng from J2E3, Shannel Ng from J2E1, Natalie Tjung from J2E1, and Selina Ngu from J2E1.
In the Senior Division, the team consisting of Yeoh Soon Meng, Estelle Sia, and Samuel Phun attained the accolades of 4th Overall Champion Team, 1st Team Challenge, and 10th Team Writing. In the same division, the awards – 8th Overall Champion Team, 3rd Team Debate, and 7th Team Bowl – were stolen by Christina Lee, Ooi Yan Jin, and Yap Q-Ann. Individually, Christina Lee won 3rd in Individual Debate.
In the Junior Division, Wong Yeok Hei won 3rd in Individual Challenge along with her team winning 7th in Team Challenge, while Shannel, Natalie and Selina won team trophies in Team Challenge and Team Writing.
As a whole, the Senior Division won 52 gold medals, 31 silver medals, and 7 trophies; the Junior Division won 42 gold medals, 20 silver medals, and 4 trophies.
Coming from the 4th Overall Champion Team, Yeoh Soon Meng, Estelle Sia, and Samuel Phun collectively feel satisfied and content with their accomplishments as their efforts paid off. As a whole, all 3 are extremely grateful for one another, as teamwork is certainly a key component in this competition. The team has prepared for this competition for 2 years, pushing through with debate practices and new insights despite the pandemic. Yeoh Soon Meng found the competition to be memorable despite the initial anxiety and hesitance in joining his first global round. The trio are glad to be part of this international community: one that is unique to the World Scholar’s Cup only. With a strong connection and a determination to keep winning, they are quite the formidable team, who aim to make even higher breakthroughs at the upcoming Tournament of Champions.
From the 8th Overall Team, Ooi Yan Jin and Christina Lee Davin expressed themselves to be ecstatic with their achievements as they had exceeded their expectations. With the round being their first time, both found the experience to be particularly enjoyable and worth remembering. After consistent practice and hard work in debating, studying, and writing, they were both grateful for the support of their teammates and the delegation.
Juniors – Wong Yeok Hei and Alycia Tan Rui Jun – pointed out that this was their first time joining a global round. Though the results did not meet their expectations, they were content with their achievements. Both stated that the round was much more competitive and more challenging, but came with more fun as well. They were thankful for their teammates, seniors, and parents for supporting them.
As a whole, Han Chiang High School stole the show in Bangkok with every student adorned with medals and trophies, and they undoubtedly will triumph once again in the upcoming round – the Tournament of Champions.
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