




Anglo-Chinese Independent School’s Visit

On the 7th of November, a Singapore Regional Studies Programme was held. A number of 18 students and two teachers from Anglo-Chinese Independent School came for an educational visit to our school. They arrived at 9a.m in the morning and were welcomed by their host, Mr Samuel Ong.

Firstly, they were escorted to the S.T.E.A.M Lab and took their seats in the front rows. To start off the day, Mr Samuel gave a welcoming speech and introduced our school to the students. Next, a student representative from Singapore went up to give his speech. He thanked us profusely for granting them an educational visit to our school and that they hope to better understand about Malaysia’s education system and history.

After the speeches, Mr Samuel passed it over to Mr Yap Chin Pok for him to speak. Before he started off with the activities, Mr Yap gave a speech on S.T.E.A.M Education which was something completely new to the Singaporean students. He displayed videos about the Makers Fair and as well as a presentation about the Makers Club. He also spoke about the awards they have won with their creative inventions. When Mr Yap was finally finished with his speech, the hands-on activity began. Makers Club members were there to assist the students with the programming activity known as Arduino Uno. Students interacted with the club members, listening to instructions on how to do it. They were extremely interested in carrying out the activity.

At 10:30am, the students moved onto the next activity which was Robotics. The students were brought to a room and asked to take their seats. The president of the Robotics Club began their activity with a speech about robotics and the awards they have won in the competitions they attended. He also introduced the different methods of building a Lego robot and the time it usually takes. The students were also shown a video on the Lego League Competition that the Robotics team attended in the United States. Next, the students were allowed to walk around the room and look at the Robotics machines and Lego robots displayed on the tables.

Lastly, the students were guided to the Cultural Museum. The objective for the students to visit the Cultural Museum was to understand more about the history of Malaysian culture. A tour guide led them around the museum, explaining about the history of cultures and school. The students listened attentively to the detailed explanations given by the tour guide and were fascinated by the museum. After they finished touring the museum, the students gave out souvenirs to the teachers and students that helped them around. With that, their visit to our school was over and they headed off.

Joel Neo, a student from Anglo-Chinese Independent School stated that he found the school nice and interesting. He thinks that the difference between Penang and Singapore is that Singapore is just mainly built up of modern buildings as well as that everything seemed more manufactured and fabricated whereas Penang is more unique, vibrant and lively. Apart from that, he finds the activities that were done very interesting and finds it similar to a competition back in Singapore which is about ideas. He finds it surprising that we invent and create things for fun rather than for intentional competitions or performances. Another student is Loh Hong Ming. He says that our school is very nice and is full of wonderful facilities like labs and more. He believes that the difference between here and Singapore is that Singapore focuses more on manufacturing and factory work. He thinks that today’s hands-on activities were extremely fun. He particularly liked the Robotics activity because he learns Robotics and was happy to see that some students here have the same interests as him. He likes Penang, because he finds Penang unique and fascinating.

Singapore Holy Innocents’ High School Visit

In order to allow students to experience new things and get to learn from our school while gaining more knowledge, one of the earliest Chinese Catholic High School in Singapore, Holy Innocents’ High School, visited Han Chiang High School on the 6th of November. A total of 35 students and 4 teachers participate in this activity. All of them were from the soccer and netball team in their school. They planned to stay in Penang for four days and three nights.

Holy Innocents’ High School was a government-aided Chinese Catholic High School with a long history of 127 years located in Singapore. Their main goal was to nurture students to be compassionate and morally upright citizens, committed to serving God and society. So as to reach their goal, they provided excellent education to their students in all aspects including languages, science, humanity and aesthetics. Besides that, they also had a wide range of co curricular activities for students to choose from such as uniform, sports, performing arts, societies and clubs.

In her speech, Principal Kung Bee Lee gave a warm welcome to all students and teachers of Holy Innocents’ High School for visiting Han Chiang High School for the very first time. She stated that she really appreciated this golden opportunity of students interaction and cultural exchange which would help students to enrich their experiences while improving their social skills. She also pointed out that she was keen to learn more about their school and was looking forward to their outstanding performance. Besides, she hoped that some of our students could pursue their studies in universities of Singapore in the future.

Besides that, Mr Yap Chin Pok gave a presentation to introduce our school’s new technology course STEAM Education to the students and teachers from Holy Innocents’ High School. After that, a quick workshop was held for students to carry out a basic electric project by using a microprocessor called Arduino. They had the oppoturnity to learn how to light up an LED. All of them were very enthusiastic in participating and offered a positive performance.

One of the teachers from Holy Innocents’ High School, Mrs Ku Tin Tin pointed out that although this was her first time visiting Han Chiang High School, she was really impressed about our school and felt honoured to have the chance to learn from our school. She stated that some of the students who came to visit Penang were selected by teachers, but there were also some who volunteered to participate in this activity. Moreover, she mentioned that the students of their school were quite similar to ours as most of our students were also Chinese. What made them special was that they were a mission school which always emphasizes the character of their students, such as humility, integrity, respect and love.

Raphael Chua, a student of Holy Innocents’ High School, stated that the environment in our school is very comfortable as there are various facilities and most importantly, the air conditioner. This was his first time visiting Han Chiang High School and he felt very happy to learn something new which he won’t learn it in class. He was also amazed by the STEAM Education that the presentation had mentioned just now. Therefore, he was looking forward to his next visit to Han Chiang High School.

Zi Ning, a student of Holy Innocents’ High School, pointed out that our school offered a very wide range of quality education for students to discover what they were really interested in, which was very nice. She stated that the workshop was complicated but enjoyable. At the same time, she learned a lot about programming, coding and many more. Other than visiting Han Chiang High School, she mentioned that they also visited some famous attractions in George Town to understand the traditions and cultures in Penang.

Before the event ended, they were brought to the cultural centre to learn about the glorious history of our school as well as Penang. Lastly, the event went smoothly and came to a successful conclusion at 2:30p.m. in the afternoon.

万能颁学术励志奖 韩江61优异师生受惠












Source Copy From
资源来自 : 光华日报



他们除了到中国成都展现才艺,把韩江发扬光大外,也参观了许多名声地如杜甫草堂、武侯祠 、宽窄巷子、熊猫基地及太古里,使得他们在这趟旅途中获益匪浅。







手艺学会访St. Nicolas



韩江中学手艺学会的学生非常同情这些先天性失明的孩子,于是借着义卖会给这些孩子筹款,希望能尽一些微薄之力。今天,我们受邀前去St. Nicolas盲人院进行参观。学生们对于这所特殊的学校内一切事物都感到很惊讶,整个学校环境很好,干净整洁,安静无声。除了参观校内的设施器械,我们还了解到盲人所读的书籍使用特殊的机器制作而成的。二十六个英文字母都有不同数量和排列方式,学生们通过数量和排列方式就可以顺利的读懂书籍。同时,学校还会叫这些学生一些有用的技能:烹饪,按摩和编竹篮等。这样,就算这些学生想去社会上闯荡,也有一些能让他们养活自己的手艺。








毕业典礼通告 Notice of Graduation Ceremony


明天2/11 (周六)是本校一年一度毕业典礼。由于今年观礼者众多,席位有限,因此凭邀请卡进入礼堂,一张卡仅限一人入场。如没有邀请卡者,可到礼堂外面课室观赏典礼,我们将设现场转播,和摄影棚。

出席者请于8:30 am之前入席,典礼预计将12:00 pm结束。

另外,出席者车子可在7:30 am后进入校园,停放在本校体育馆旁停车场。

Tomorrow (Saturday, 02 November 2019) is the school annual Graduation Ceremony. Due to a large number of attendees this year and limited hall capacity, only attendees with Invitation Card are allowed to enter the hall.

Please bring this invitation card and present it at the hall entrance. ONE (1) card admits for ONE (1) person only. Those without the invitation card may watch the live telecast of the ceremony in the classrooms. We will also set up a photo booth.

All attendees may enter the school compound after 7:30 am and park the vehicles at the car park beside the school indoor stadium.

Attendees should be seated by 8:30 am. The ceremony is estimated to end at 12:00 pm.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.