本校校长江美利硕士在随后的致辞中首先感谢了百忙之中抽空参与本次活动的Jalan Perak消防局,她也表示十分荣幸能与该局合作,努力让本校学子接收到专业的防火教育。江校长希望通过本次的活动不仅可以提高学生们在学校的防火常识,也能将其应用在日常生活中。江校长对于今天同学们的反应速度表示十分满意,唯有及时逃出火场,才能避免丧命于蔓延速度惊人的火灾。若是不幸无法及时逃出,江校长也希望同学们能够保持冷静,学会自救联络相关当局,耐心等待消防员救援。最后,她也提醒同学们时刻谨记生命第一,珍惜生命。
Jalan Perak消防局局长Tuan Fadzil在致辞中代表消防局感谢了本校不忘举办此类意义非凡的活动,希望可以借此机会让学生们提高常识,学会保护自己。他也提醒老师及学生们一定要迅速点名明确认人数,他对于本次学生们的表现感到满意。他指出,在火灾现场绝对不可疾跑慌张,要冷静行动,使用应急路线逃出。他也希望同学们将火警铃声及逃跑口诀铭记于心,即PASS (Pull the safety pin, Aim at a fire and take the hose, Squeeze the handle, Squat down) 意思为及时安全别针,将软管对准火源后及时蹲下。而孕妇,小孩及老人更需注意这些事项,希望能在未来帮助到在场的各位教师及学生。 最后,Tuan Fadzil表示了对于同学们的信心,希望他们可以将这些技巧贯彻到底。上午9时,本次活动也在同学们的掌声下圆满落幕,各班同学也陆续返回班。
Jalan Perak消防局局长Tuan Fadzil在采访中回忆起了自己当消防员的契机。他自小便是一名活泼好动的孩子,且对消防员这具有挑战性的职业十分感兴趣。他认为当一名消防员不仅可以帮助社会,回馈国家,还能强身健体,十分适合自己,所以从小就有了这个伟大的志愿。他也指出,一名出色的消防员应该具有端正的态度,专业的技巧及知识,也许具备自信与笃定的工作信念,而这些便离不开平日里刻苦的训练及经验。Tuan Fadzil也分享道,火灾时若靠近火源,就需在3分钟内逃出现场,迅速来到距离火源至少30米的空旷之地,避免误吸入致命的毒气,危害健康。借此机会,他也感谢了这份工作让他可以无私的为国家效劳,把自己的专业回馈社会,这让他感到无比的荣耀与自豪。他也感谢了自己的所有朋友及部下,正是因为有他们的服从及专业,才让消防局坚持至今。Tuan Fadzir随后也提到,虽然消防员看似外表光鲜,可因为种种因素也导致了他们不再像从前一般努力,生活的压力没有给他们留下娱乐的时间,经历和热爱也会逐渐消耗殆尽。无可否认,消防员可以培养我们的奉献精神及觉悟,也可以锻炼我们自己,从中进步,尤其是决策能力,还需经验辅佐方能,成为一名优秀的消防员。最后,Tuan Fadzir也表示自己目前暂时没有离职的想法,只要自己仍精神健在,就会把自己奉献给国家,报答社会。他希望可以用自己的精力造就的一生辉煌于一枪热爱向祖国致敬,也圆了儿时那一个神圣的志愿。无愧于国,无愧于家,无愧于自己。
As the saying goes, “Better to be safe than sorry”, Han Chiang High School prepped another eventful fire drill on the 15th of June from 8:30 am. to 9:00 a.m. All Han Chiang High School students participated in a half an hour-long fire drill practice that took place at the Han Chiang High School field. The fire drill was held to guide students on what to do during a fire at school or home. Moreover, it familiarised and enforced rules, evacuation routes and practices towards students.
At 8:35 in the morning, the loud emergency siren rang across the entire school. The students not only remained calm and collected but also got out of their classes swiftly. Every student followed the procedure and made their way to the Han Chiang High School field to escape the fire. After the monitors and teachers of each class took attendance and counted the number of students present, the principal of the school, Madam Kung Bee Lee, gave a short briefing about the fire drill. She stated that the firefighters would perform demonstrations on how they save people from fires and operate their tools.
Eventually, the firefighters reached Han Chiang High School in a fire truck. A situation was recreated where a few students were stuck on the second floor of Han Chiang High School and couldn’t escape. The firefighters demonstrated their abilities and successfully saved the trapped students and got a round of applause. Shortly after, the principal, Madam Kung Bee Lee, expressed gratitude for the cooperation of the students. She advised students to stay away from classes because the fire can spread easily through electrical currents. Lastly, she wished that the fire drill could improve all students’ knowledge about fire safety.
Tuan Fadzil, the chief of Jalan Perak’s fire department, thanked the school for holding the fire drill, which guided students on how to escape from a fire. He wished that students would apply what they have learnt to future emergencies and commended them for reaching the field at a quick speed. He advised that whenever there is an emergency ongoing, students should neither sprint nor panic, stay calm and follow the emergency route. Other than that, students must also recognise the emergency siren or bell sound, as it would come in handy in the future. Last but not least, he demonstrated how to use a fire extinguisher correctly with the ‘PASS’ acronym. He explained that ‘P’ stands for pulling the safety pin, ‘A’ stands for aim at the fire, and ‘S’ is for squeezing the handling down. At 9.00 a.m., all students went back to their respective classes with new knowledge.
Student Tan Yoke Khee from J1E1 expressed his happiness in being able to gain a lot of new knowledge through participating in the fire drill and already has the fire alarm kept in mind. Besides that, he understands that one must not panic during a fire. Instead, he must stay calm and head to an open area away from the fire. He reckoned that the fire drill is a very important activity that must be held frequently, as it ensures the safety of all students in case a fire breaks out. Furthermore, he learnt how to handle a fire extinguisher properly. He has realised the importance of fire safety after the fire drill and will put his knowledge into practice to save himself if there is ever a fire. He would also like to thank all firefighters present in the fire drill because they taught all students precious knowledge, which could potentially save lives one day. He stated that the fire drill was one of the most memorable activities he has ever taken part in.
During the interview with Jalan Perak’s fire department chief, Tuan Fadzil recalled why he became a firefighter. Since he was a little child, he had always been very energetic and active. Moreover, he was very interested in the firefighting industry as it is full of challenges. He reckoned that becoming a firefighter not only helps society but also repays the country and strengthens his body all at the same time. Therefore, it suited him very well and became his mighty ambition. He also pointed out that an outstanding firefighter should have an upright, determined attitude, professional abilities and knowledge in the industry, as well as confidence in their capabilities. All these qualities can be obtained through painstaking daily training and experience. He shared that if anyone is close to the source of fire during emergencies, they must make sure to escape the area within 3 minutes by swiftly heading to an open area at least 30 meters away from the fire. Otherwise, they would inhale the toxic smoke in the air and risk impacting their health or even passing out. He took the chance to appreciate his job for allowing him to dedicate his time and effort to serving the country, which gives him an unmatched feeling of pride and honour. Next, he also thanked his assistant friends because they follow his orders with utmost loyalty and respect, which immensely helps to keep the fire department from being a big mess. He claimed that although firefighters have a glamorous appearance, there are still multiple reasons which cause a firefighter to lose interest or be less hardworking than they used to be. The stress of their job and life hardly give them any time for enjoyment or relaxation to soothe their minds. Therefore, their energy and passion for the job would start to die down. There is no doubt, being a firefighter can cultivate our dedicated spirit and train us to improve in every aspect, especially decision-making and planning, but experience is still a big factor in whether a firefighter is excellent or not. Last but not least, he expressed that he has no plans on leaving his current position anytime soon, as long as he still has his spirit, he will continue to contribute to the country and repay society. He wished that he could use his power and spirit-filled, glorious life to serve and respect the country. Worthy of the country, worthy of his home and worthy of himself.
Through participating in the fire drill, the day has become yet another lesson for students in the proper procedures of keeping themselves safe, as well as helping others as well.
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