电子飞镖运动走进校园 探索安全益智的全新体验

为了全面推广电子飞镖运动,使更多学生了解并参与这一项新兴的体育项目,SOUNDWAVE E-SportsDARTSLIVE2024829日(星期四)在韩江室内体育馆举办了电子飞镖运动的体验活动。通过推广电子飞镖,除了可以帮助学生发展注意力,还可以提升手眼协调能力以及培养团队合作精神。除此之外,电子飞镖是一种安全、益智的运动形式,能够同时丰富学生的课余生活,并培养健康的生活方式。
电子飞镖与一般的飞镖不同,运用了一个类似游戏机的机器来代替传统的飞镖盘,利用科技来计算投掷的每个飞镖所获得的相应分数。同时现场也宣传了DARTSLIVE 2的特点,除了可以客制化自己的游戏画面,还有CCD摄像机辅助在线比赛。

泰国师生到访韩中 体验多元文化与教育

他们于上午830分抵达本校,在林连登铜像前拍摄大合照后,他们参观了校园,其中包括本校最具有历史性的地方——文化馆。在校园导览结束后,他们正式开始与本校学生进行交流。英文老师—— Ms Catherine Sy Jamerson带领他们认识一些英文生字。在她的教导之下,许多Yothinbumrung中学的师生们都收获满满。此外,她也为他们办了一些有趣的游戏以测试他们是否明白这一堂课,现场的气氛热闹不已。
来自泰国Yothinbumrung中学的学生—— Jane表示,她决定来到马来西亚进行交流的原因是她想要学习本地的语言并且交一些朋友。她指出,他们只能每天在教室学习,而在韩中可以在学校的各种地方学习到许多有用的知识。她也欣慰地提出,她在这次的交流活动中最喜欢的项目是单词与图片游戏,也帮助她成功交到了五个新朋友。
此外,一名带队老师—— Day表示她一开始没有对本校抱有很大的期待,因为她没有在互联网上搜索许多关于本校的资讯,但当她来到本校时,她感到十分惊喜。她指出,本校的教育体系是更有条理的,尤其是学生都十分擅长英文。她认为本次的交流活动可以让她有效地提升自己。她也觉得本校的传统文化分享是最能促进国际友谊和合作的方面,因为韩中有通过多样化的方式来分享传统文化,让到访的师生受益良多。

The Model Student – Chin Sing Yu

Why settle for average when you can be extraordinary? Chin Sing Yu, the head prefect of Han Chiang High School, embodies this mindset with her outstanding achievements. She consistently brings pride to the school through her academic excellence and numerous competition wins.
Dealing with Problems
When facing problems, she would maintain a cheerful mindset and address the issues calmly because rushing often leads to further complications. Whenever she feels frustrated due to external factors, she allows herself to do whatever makes her happy for that day, such as eating good food, enjoying beautiful scenery, or taking a walk. Other than that, when managing her time, she stated that she is a classic spontaneous person, preferring to arrange things as they come, so she rarely uses a timetable to discipline herself. However, she does use a checklist to list all the tasks she needs to complete, indicating their importance, to remind herself when to do what.
Furthermore, she mentioned that at the end of last August, she was particularly proud of the academic achievement she had the opportunity to represent Han Chiang High School in the National Trilingual Speech Competition held at Kuang Chee Chinese Independent High School in Negeri Sembilan. She stated that she achieved the honour of being the overall runner-up, securing second place in the Malay speech, third place in the Chinese speech, and a consolation prize in the English speech. In addition, she stated that this is the result and reward of her efforts and struggles over the past 10 years of her speech career.
Besides that, She stated that before each competition, she prepares thoroughly, making the most of the preparation time to perform at her best on the day of the event. Although things don’t always go as planned, and she may fail in some competitions, this doesn’t extinguish her hopes. Instead, it encourages her to keep pushing forward. Additionally, she often participates in competitions she’s never entered, which satisfies her curiosity about new fields and provides her with a platform to explore her potential.
Thanks and Advice
Moreover, she mentioned that during her secondary school years, she was fortunate to have a group of friends with whom she could confide. Sometimes, when she had to go out for competitions, she would fall behind in her studies, but her classmates would share class content with her after school and voluntarily help her with her homework. Then, she stated that throughout her secondary school years, every teacher who has taught her has provided tremendous help, both academically and in her competitions. Afterwards, she advised the students of Han Chiang High School to dream and set high goals. She hopes that everyone can take brave steps to explore the unknown.
Chin Sing Yu sets a standard of excellence for all students at Han Chiang High School. Her journey reflects dedication, hard work, and resilience. Whether it’s her role as a leader or her commitment to academics, she always strives for excellence. Chin Sing Yu sets a standard that all students can aspire to, showing that persistence and determination lead to true success. They should all strive to be like her to bring glory to the school.

2024年马来西亚华文独中科技专题研习营暨机器人竞赛 韩江中学学生荣获全国科技竞赛冠军

近日于砂拉越诗巫公教中学举行的“2024年马来西亚华文独中科技专题研习营暨机器人竞赛”中,韩江中学代表团表现优异,尤其是高中理科班的许仲乐同学,与砂拉越诗巫公教中学的队友黄宜韦在太空探险竞技赛(AITEMI Explorer Robot)中联手夺冠,为校争光!

韩江64年/69年毕业生55周年宴 不忘师长,缘系韩江


法学之路的卓越旅程 林乐颖的成长与成就

林乐颖即将从伦敦玛丽女王大学毕业。她获得了法学学位,还获得了一等荣誉、校长奖以及公司法奖。2023年,在大学二年级期间,林同学与Taylor Wessing律师事务所,一家在全球设有办事处的知名国际律师事务所,签订了一份培训合同,将从2025年开始在伦敦就业。此外,她还有机会在英国最大的法学院攻读法律实践法学硕士学位(律师资格考试)。
除此之外,林乐颖还为自己的将来制定了宏伟的计划。她计划在完成培训后进入Taylor Wessing其中一个企业部门,希望通过为客户提供一站式服务来解决所有问题和顾虑,从而有所作为。此外,她希望通过提供全面的法律建议,为客户提供创新的解决方案。
在向有抱负的法学院学生提供建议时,林同学建议学生们要始终勇于学习,并经常走出自己的舒适区。她相信,通过不断突破自己的界限,学生可以获得新的观点和经验,为未来的潜在机会做好准备。此外,她建议学生要努力工作,永不放弃,因为最终一切都是值得的。最后,林同学也想对所有在韩江中学短短 5 年里给予她无尽支持的老师和朋友表示衷心的感谢。

2024年校内华语辩论比赛圆满落幕 J3E1和S2分别获初中组与高中组冠军

总决赛中,激烈的辩论让现场气氛充斥着紧张,观众们全神贯注地关注着每一位辩手的发言。 深深投入到比赛的精彩对决中。辩手们以清晰的思维逻辑及丰富的语言表达能力,为各自的观点而辩。最终,J3E1在一众队伍中脱颖而出,成为初中组冠军;高中组的冠军由S2夺下。
荣获高中组最佳辩手的杜锦源表示,他最初对辩论产生兴趣是因为在准备演讲稿时,发现辩 题和辩论综艺提供了丰富的灵感来源,这些讨论往往涉及深刻且复杂的题目。那些辩手能够将复杂的概念简单化,用充满说服力的方式来表达自己的观点,说服观众,让他从中感受到语言的艺术和魅力。除此之外,他指出辩论对于他最大的好处在于提升表达能力,除了内容和用词之外,咬字清晰,语气和语调也需要被纳入考量,才能最大化提升自己的表达能力和说服能力。
冠军— J3E1 许芷榕 李蔧萱 林佳汶 郭纹吟 吴婧儿 陈敏希
亚军— J1E智 李若榛 刘艺璇 林品哲 郭子祥 陈姿萤 李韵鸣
季军— J2E1 叶咏淮 吴俞瑶 廖乐宜 马靖雯 郑伊涵 王惠恩
冠军— S2 杜锦源 陈奕泓 王彤如 童心 黄芯宁 符少瑞
亚军— C21 林芸彤 李矜慧 郑詠伦 洪宇泽 刘爱凝 农以伽
季军— CE11 邓容 叶宇竣 林璋乐 蔡岳宁 郭育宏 郭献莙
全程最佳辩手:S2 杜锦源

Leading with Honor: Han Chiang High School’s Boy Scouts Triumph and Best Scout Award

On the 27th of July, 2024, Han Chiang High School’s Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts clubs participated in the St. George Girls School’s 19th Gathering & 6th Campfire event. The Boy Scouts were awarded third place for field decorating, second place in modern cooking and station games, and first place in creating a movie trailer. Additionally, Han Chiang High School’s Boy Scouts were awarded third overall champion at the end of the event, with the club’s president, Alex Zu-Yang Loh, being awarded the best scout award for his outstanding individual performance.
Upon being interviewed, Alex said that the Boy Scouts club is a vibrant community of young individuals, all of whom are learning and practising leadership skills, the importance of teamwork, self-discipline, and crucial survival skills are taught through fun activities, events, and courses. As the president of this club, he added that he has successfully increased the participation of the scouts in both camps and community service programs.
Furthermore, Alex expressed his pride at winning these awards, saying that being awarded as the best scout was an unexpected yet pleasant accomplishment for him. He thanked several people for these achievements, including the Boy Scouts’ teacher advisor, Mr. Goh Boon Siang, for his support and guidance and the club president of the Girl Scouts. He also thanked the vice club president, Isaac Loh, and two scouts, Razvan Hoo and Kinz Teoh. He believed everyone’s hard work and dedication deserved to be appreciated and recognised.
Alex further said that although he was proud of the scouts’ performance in this competition, he believed there was always room for improvement for everyone, including himself. Alex again expressed that he appreciated the effort and commitment of his team, encouraging them to continue participating in future competitions.
Moreover, Alex mentioned that the Boy Scouts club had spent over a month preparing for this competition, gathering every Saturday to rehearse for their movie trailer. He stated that the preparation was time-consuming and required lots of resources, but added that it was worth the hard work as it paid off. Despite all of these challenges, they managed to pull through. Alex also shared an inspirational quote, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Alex strongly encourages scouts to join these activities to gain knowledge and make friends from different schools and backgrounds, all while enjoying fun events planned by the organisers. He believes such competitions and gathering events provide young individuals with opportunities to learn and grow together. Alex advised those looking to participate in these gathering events to not stress about winning, but just enjoy the event as it is instead. Lastly, at the end of the interview, Alex thanked everyone who participated in the gathering camp.

From Past to Present: A Journey of Growth and Change – Rachel Tan Zhen Zhen Revisits Han Chiang High School

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -Nelson Mandela
Rachel Tan Zhen Zhen, a Han Chiang High School student who graduated in 2021, recently visited Han Chiang High School which shaped her path to success to observe the current learning process of Han Chiang students. Since her graduation, Rachel’s perseverance and undeniable effort have led her to numerous remarkable achievements. After completing her A-Levels at INTI International College Penang, she was accepted into the National University of Singapore, where she will pursue a degree in quantitative finance. She also received the NUS ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship.
During her academic journey, Rachel excelled in her IGCSE exams, achieving 9 A* grades, and continued her outstanding performance with 4 A* grades in her A-Levels. She did a gap year before university and during that time, she performed community service such as volunteering for two weeks on the Doulos Hope, a ship serving as a floating library. She also participated in various Leo Club community service projects.
Words of Gratitude
Rachel expressed her gratitude to Madam Kung for presenting her with the award and extended her heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who taught and guided her during her time at Han Chiang High School. She also thanked her peers who accompanied her throughout her high school years. Lastly, she is grateful to her family for their unwavering and continuous support.
Secrets to Success
Rachel emphasised the importance of academic consistency, believing that even a small amount of daily study time can lead to significant long-term benefits. She cautioned against the habit of last-minute studying and procrastination, considering it detrimental to effective learning. Additionally, Rachel advised students not to be afraid to ask questions, as she firmly believes that teachers are always willing to help and support their students.
Besides that, Rachel spent time practising past year’s papers to reinforce what she learned in class and get exposure to different questions. She mentioned that it is important to completely understand the concept taught in class instead of just memorising the given notes so that one can easily apply the concept to any related questions that they have not encountered before.
Moreover, a value that Rachel holds strongly to is that one should try his or her best in anything that one does so that there would be no regret regardless of the outcome. She is persistent in her efforts to study and does not give up easily when encountering difficulties.
During her academic journey, Rachel faced her fair share of study-related stress. To manage this, she balances her hectic study schedule with leisure activities. In her free time, she enjoyed playing games, which provided a much-needed break from her studies and helped her relax. Additionally, she spent quality time with her family, finding their presence comforting and supportive. These moments of relaxation and family connection were crucial for her overall well-being and helped her maintain a healthy balance between her academic responsibilities and personal life.
Advice and Wishes
Rachel advised students to study hard, and never give up and wished them all the best in their studies. She encouraged them to study consistently and not to put too much pressure on themselves. She also hoped they could enjoy high school life and make lifelong friendships at Han Chiang High School.

“From Han Chiang High School to NUS: The Journey and Triumph of Chang Shyuan Rhui”

Chang Shyuan Rhui is a 2021 Han Chiang High School graduate, returning to revisit the place that fostered her towards success. Through endless determination and effort, she has now enrolled in the National University of Singapore, having the privilege of being a part of the Honours College of the National University of Singapore. She is currently preparing to study for her double degree in computer science and mathematics.
Shyuan Rhui actively participated in various competitions, from Olympiad Maths and Science competitions to debate competitions. She pursued debating at Han Chiang High School, including events like the World Scholar’s Cup. Beyond school, she engaged in Asian and British parliamentary debates, which led to her selection for the future squad of Team Malaysia for the World School Debating Championships. She also mentioned that she independently sought competitions and asked permission to represent the school in events such as essay writing contests, and the Trust for Sustainable Living essay competition. In her IGCSE examinations, she achieved remarkable results (10 A stars) and earned a scholarship at the National University of Singapore.
Challenges Faced
Throughout Shyuan Rhui’s journey, she encountered multiple obstacles. She decided to transfer to Han Chiang High School in the middle of 2019 in which she was Form 3. As she adapted to her new school life, she admittedly faced some difficulties, trying to get used to the logistical side of her new school. She also struggled with using Chinese constantly, but slowly adjusted to the changes through her friends’ and teachers’ aid. After graduating, she began her studies in Singapore at a junior college. In this new learning environment, she felt quite anxious since her other classmates already come up from the Singapore O-Levels and were more exposed unlike her. In addition, Shyuan Rhui didn’t have an account in the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) for her first few weeks, where lectures were posted. However, she settled the problem with the help of her friends and caught up to lessons quickly.
Gratitude and Inspiration
Her success wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support given to her. She expresses gratitude to her teachers and peers, especially her Chemistry tutor, Madam Lim Bee Lee who took extra time to teach Chemistry in preparation for the Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz. She arranged online lectures outside of lesson time for Shyuan Rhui and other students, supplying notes about organic chemistry, a few years ahead of what they were learning. She stated that the incident was a pleasant memory engraved in her brain and acknowledged her teacher’s passion for teaching. She also cherishes her high school friendships dearly, recognising their eagerness to support her endeavours.
Looking Ahead and Future Ambitions
Shyuan Rhui was uncertain about her future as she was still trying to pinpoint a career path that would captivate her interests. As for now, she has some short-term goals including excelling in her university studies and performing her best there. Her double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics has enabled her interests to research artificial intelligence (AI), by participating in activities and events about the topic. She thinks it would help her to pursue an occupation in a field she enjoys.
Words of Advice
For Han Chiang High School students who aspire to study abroad like Shyuan Rhui, she has advised them to seek assistance when needed. She believes she couldn’t have reached this point without her teachers and friends, who helped her through her struggles. She points out that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and perseverance in oneself. It shows their courage to admit when they don’t know something, and their willingness to learn something new. Moreover, students should not limit their scope for knowledge. She highlighted that many people restrict themselves to what they think they can do, not being able to unleash their full potential. Shyuan Rhui serves as a role model for Han Chiang High School students, demonstrating that with dedication and effort, anyone can succeed.