
带领队伍取得冠军的李薰同学(SE11)表示,他们队伍中有2名不是创发学会的会员。他们参加这项比赛是因为他们非常热爱科学,从来没有预想过可以荣获冠军。因此,他们对比赛的成绩感到很惊讶,也非常开心和满足。这是他们第一次参加这项比赛,所以过程中经历了很多次的失败。她指出,他们的作品是 “黑水虻堆肥”,利用黑水虻来分解剩饭,一石二鸟,解决了食物浪费的问题,也从中获得肥料。为了这个作品,他们需要培养一种叫黑水虻(Black Soldier Flies)的苍蝇。因此,他们需要克服对昆虫的恐惧,也要懂得如何妥善处理。李同学提出,他们起初也不会写报告,甚至对编码也不是很了解。 但是,在叶进博老师和蔡佳缙老师的指导下,他们成功完成了作品。
许同学指出,他们的作品可以帮助许多方面发展的自动对焦系统(Autofocusing Machine)。简单来说,这个作品可以将聚焦过程(Focusing Process)自动化。比赛前,他们对作品怀有得奖的期望,因此难免会感到紧张和焦虑。通过这次比赛,他们学习到了很多方面的新知识,包括设置在线用户界面(Online User Interface)、演讲技巧和写报告的技能。这些收获非常难能可贵。许同学认为,他们的团队表现得很不错,如果要打分的话他会打上7/10的分数,因为大致上大家都有尽全力,所以他很满意;另外的3分是整个队伍的弱点,那就是临场发挥的能力还有演讲技巧,这部分他觉得他们的团队还有进步的空间。
“If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.” – Michael Jordan
In a resounding display of ingenuity and technological prowess, Han Chiang High School students achieved remarkable success at the esteemed 2023 Malaysia Chinese Chamber of Commerce National High School Science and Technology Innovation Competition. The champion position was secured by the talented trio of Anastasia Belle Lee Shin, Nicole Lee Wah Yin, and Allyssa Lim Yu En. At the same time, the runner-up position was claimed by the outstanding team composed of Hii Zan Yi, Chong June Ee, and Ngoo Li Yu.
Hii Zan Yi, Chong June Ee, and Ngoo Li Yu joyfully expressed their gratitude, extending heartfelt thanks to their mentors and acknowledging unwavering support from parents and friends. Emphasizing the pivotal role of seamless hardware-software integration, effective cost management, and the team’s prior collaborative experience, they highlighted how these factors eliminated disagreements and streamlined the creative process.
The competition, catalysing fostering technological innovation awareness among teenagers, prompted participants to channel their creativity into developing products with meaningful contributions to the public. Valuable learning experiences were gained throughout the challenging competition, with participants honing skills in online interfaces, presentation techniques, and data recording.
Hii Zan Yii, Chong June Ee, and Ngoo Li Yu firmly believe the acquired skills will profoundly shape their future. Despite their triumph, the team maintains a humble perspective, acknowledging the need for continuous improvement and recognizing the potential of enhanced presentation skills for future victories.
Meanwhile, Anastasia Belle Lee Shin, Nicole Lee Wah Yin, and Allyssa Lim Yu En shared that their motivation for participating in the competition stemmed from their passion for science and technology. Being first-time participants, they encountered numerous challenges during the development of their prototype. One notable hurdle involved raising black soldier flies (BSF) where they were not only required to learn about the flies but also overcome their initial fear of handling insects.
Given their novice status in this type of competition, the trio faced difficulties while writing the report and navigating unfamiliar territory in coding and presentation skills. Despite these challenges, with the invaluable guidance provided by their teachers, they not only completed the project but also did so with precision and within the stipulated timeframe. Their journey reflects a commendable blend of determination, learning, and teamwork.
They also claimed that they had known each other since childhood. Initially, they had some disagreements and were unclear about their respective responsibilities. However, this did not affect their friendship. They separated the conflicts faced during the competition from their personal feelings, and instead discussed things together to find a solution.
The competition proved to be quite demanding, causing the team significant stress due to its time-consuming nature. They found themselves utilising their classroom time extensively to meet project deadlines. Additionally, the commitment to weekly consultations and sacrificing holiday time to work on the project underscored their dedication. Despite the challenges, the team viewed the experience as highly educational, recognizing that it provided valuable lessons in science and technology. The demanding nature of the competition also taught them how to work more effectively and efficiently.
Coach Mr. Yap, a guiding force behind the team’s success, highlighted the significance of students’ self-driven registration, minimizing misunderstandings, and fostering a sense of responsibility. The consistent application of Stanford University’s Design Thinking Process played a pivotal role, encouraging understanding, thoughtful problem contemplation, and the generation of innovative solutions.
Mr. Yap, proud of the team’s dedication, envisions their future persistence and potential market success. He imparts valuable wisdom, viewing success and failure as inevitable components of life. Noting effective strategies for success, he sees failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement, instilling a growth mindset in the students that will undoubtedly serve them well in their future endeavours.
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