韩中四月迎入学生上实体课 异国学生再度背井离乡回来上课
On the 5th of April, Han Chiang High School reopened its gates as the Movement Control Order (MCO) had been lifted. With the reopening of school, many were excited to return to the loving embrace of Han Chiang. As crowds of students head to school once again, including our foreign students, let’s see what some of them have to say about it.
Hailing from the class of J24, Nunnaput Chaisawad, is an overseas student who went back to her homeland — Thailand during the MCO. She had finally gotten to see her family and those she loved dearly. However, with the reopening of school and the first mid-term test right around the corner, she had to head back to Penang. Anxiety kicked in when she first returned to Han Chiang as the pandemic is still a serious issue. Nevertheless, she gradually grew more comfortable with the knowledge that our school adheres strictly to the SOP, which includes daily body temperature measurement as well as restriction on students from going out as they please. With this ongoing pandemic, she has learned to be more aware of social distancing, washing her hands and wearing masks constantly. She found the physical classes more beneficial for her, as it increases her productivity; both teachers and students were able to exchange and gain more knowledge. In contrast to physical lessons, she realised that she had inadvertently become lazier during her online classes in spite of starting the school year enthusiastically. Despite that, it was still an interesting experience for her. Her advice for others returning from Thailand is to take care of themselves and to spend time with their family as much as possible.
Moving on, another student who has just returned from Thailand is Kulasatri Pongsanguansuk from C33. When she was greeted by the news of being able to return to physical lessons in school, she was thrilled. This was mainly because she would be able to meet her friends, teachers, and classmates again. Unfortunately, this did not rid of her gloom from leaving her hometown and the endless possibilities upon her arrival. Kulasatri admitted that the pandemic terrifies her immensely as the cases are still on the rise, but she still decided that going back to school would be a better option since she is a graduate student this year. She felt more productive having lessons in school instead of staying at home taking online classes. Although she was afraid, she had to keep up with her studies and the only way she can do that is through school. She reminds the students who have come back from overseas to take care of themselves properly, so as not to let their parents worry too much, especially since their parents are not by their sides to look after them.
Last but not least, Sribenchakun Klubdee from C23 is a student from Thailand who was elated by the news of physical classes returning. She was finally able to meet her friends and teachers. However, her worries about the pandemic have not dissipated entirely on the grounds that it would require the cooperation of both the school and students to abide by the SOP. Sribenchakun expressed that during online classes, she was faced with dreadful Internet problems and now she will be able to understand classes more easily while attending physical classes. She thinks that online classes lead to laziness in students, especially more passive students who require constant monitoring and motivation. On the other hand, students can be productive in physical classes as it would be easier for them to focus without any distractions. Last year, she paused her studies with the intention of dropping out due to the overwhelming stress and difficulties she faced. As of right now, she believes that studying at your own pace is the best for students. For the upcoming examinations, she is preparing to study hard for them. She suggests all overseas students treasure their one-in-a-lifetime chance to study here. She hopes all will do their best as it will bring benefits to their future.
With that, Han Chiang High School is delighted to see the return of all students and wishes all nothing but the best.
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