
夕阳西下,大地沐浴在余晖的彩霞中。在这个看似平淡的傍晚,韩江三校于这天10月12日 (星期六)在韩中操场共同联办了一场规模空前的韩江百年校庆庆典盛宴,对全体韩江人而言是最期待,也是最重要的一天。大约6000名校董、校友、师生及家长们个个怀着兴奋又激动的心情,踊跃出席参与其盛宴。我国财政部长YB林冠英先生也在百忙之中抽空出席,代表中央政府祝贺韩江百年校庆,与全体韩江人一同欢庆这个特殊的日子。此盛宴于晚上7时正式开始。




当天晚上,此盛宴以令人震撼的开场表演《鼓响百年 舞动韩江》正式拉开序幕,大大增添了此盛宴的气氛。紧接着,有着一副好嗓子的校友翁岁华先生为全场观众献唱两首歌曲—-《一样的月光》和《掌声响起》,令大家听出了耳油。随后是由韩江传媒大学学院带来搞笑有趣的小品,取名为《笑傲韩江》。紧接着,来自韩小、韩中及韩大的学生呈现了舞姿优美的汉族舞蹈《张灯结彩喜上眉梢》。此外,来自姐妹校合艾德教树强学校的学生也给大家带来了中国舞蹈《少年志》及泰国舞蹈,体现出各中国和泰国文化。之后,韩中舞美学会呈现了充满朝气的舞蹈表演《Han Chiang Airlines》,为此盛宴掀起高潮。同时,全体来宾一边观赏精彩绝伦的表演,一边享用六道美味佳肴。

为了感谢全体来宾抽空出席当晚的盛宴,以及此盛宴的全体工委,来自韩江三校的学生配合着简单的手语,深情合唱《感恩的心》以及《Rasa Nusantara》。最后,众校友一起合唱《传灯》,寓意传承韩江精神。全体来宾一边唱一边挥舞着手中的LED小蜡烛,现场美丽得令人窒息。此盛宴结束之前,大会也准备了长达十分钟的色彩绚丽烟花大汇演。一朵朵烟花在原本寂静的夜空中爆开,绽放出七彩的美丽,让全场观众不禁欢呼起来。






A hundred years ago in 1919, Han Chiang School was founded by the Teochew Association and Mr Lim Lean Teng, standing on Chulia Street with a modest facade. A hundred years later, although having been moved to Lim Lean Teng Street and equipped with improved facilities, Han Chiang School continues to provide wholesome and quality education to thousands of students from various countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, and Japan.

On 12th October 2019, in conjunction with our school’s centenary celebration, the three Han Chiang Schools jointly held a grand dinner in the field of Han Chiang High School. The aim was to unite each and every member of our school, be it students, alumni, or teachers, to celebrate the wonderful occasion of the centennial anniversary of our school, one of the greatest milestones in the history of Han Chiang. The dinner received an exemplary response from the students and faculty with approximately a whopping number 10,000 attendees. The event kicked off at 7 pm sharp.

The Finance Minister of Malaysia, YB Lim Guan Eng, started off his speech with the best wishes from the Malaysian government upon the success of our school. He stated that having experienced innumerable ups and downs along our journey towards the centennial year, our accomplishment was worth everyone’s respect and admiration. As a gift for our centennial anniversary, the Ministry of Finance decided to allocate us with RM100,000, in the hope that our school will continue to strive in the future. “Although this is not considered as a huge sum of money, it is of great significance as this indicates that the government has acknowledged the contribution of independent schools in our country.”

During his speech, the Chairman of the board of directors, Dato Seri Ooi Soo Hing, stated that Han Chiang School has been faced with countless obstacles and difficulties in the past 100 years. However, the members of our school managed to overcome all of those by maintaining the spirit of persistence and perseverance. The fruitful outcome of the three Han Chiang schools wouldn’t have been completed without the contribution of our ancestors who worked hard and dedicated their lives to the growth of Han Chiang.

“Education is the foundation of everything.” Dato Seri Ooi Soo Hing also mentioned that in the process of cultivating and instilling the all-round virtues in the education system, we must also courageously face the rapidly transforming era of technology. Whether it be the slogan Mr Lim Lean Teng pronounced during the groundbreaking ceremony 100 years ago, or the motto we are using now, they all carry the same meaning, that is, paving the road for the next generation. He would also like to use this opportunity to express his gratitude to the Executive Advisor, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Tan Kok Ping, who had generously agreed to construct a new building for Han Chiang Primary School consisting of 20 classrooms.

The gala dinner commenced with the singing of the National Anthem, Penang State Anthem and Han Chiang Primary School anthem. After that, a vocal performance by Han Chiang Alumni was presented. Their melodious voice enveloped the field and won a huge round of applause from the audience. There were also other performances such as an enthralling skit named ‘The Pride of Han Chiang’ prepared by students from Han Chiang University College, a dance performance with the title of ‘Han Chiang Airlines’ presented by Han Chiang High School’s choreography dance club and a choir performance by students from the three Han Chiang schools. Besides that, our sister school, Khunnatam Wittaya, also graced us with their appearance on that day. They sent a total of 32 students to perform a Chinese dance and a Thai dance which were contrasting to the usual performances as they were filled with the traditional culture from Thailand.

During the long stretch of performances, there was a six-course meal provided. A mock cheque presentation also took place during which YB Lim Guan Eng handed over the funds issued by the Ministry of Finance. In the meantime, there was an exhibition held in the hall to display the projects of the students during the past year to allow the public to have a better understanding regarding the activities included in our daily schooling routine.

Madam Khaw Hoay Lean, an alumnus who graduated in the year 1975, stated that she felt overjoyed and excited as this was a rare opportunity to gather with her old schoolmates. She described the event as enjoyable and entertaining as the performances were really wonderful. She also mentioned that the facilities of our school have improved immensely compared to her schooling days a few decades ago. She wished the best for Han Chiang School and hoped that it will continue to pursue for the better.

Mr Tan Chong Boon, a Han Chiang alumnus, stated that he returned to Penang from Hong Kong especially to attend this centennial event. As this was the first time he stepped foot into Han Chiang since a long time ago, he was touched when he witnessed our school’s improvement and changes, especially the teaching materials which were taken to great heights in the educational world. He hoped that Han Chiang will continue to work harder and nurture a whole new generation.

Warunee Sae-Chang, one of the performers from Khunnatam Wittaya, stated that this was the second time she visited Han Chiang High School, with the Summer Course being the first visit. She was elated that she got to celebrate our centennial anniversary together. They had prepared two different dances, hoping to make known the Thailand culture to us Malaysians. She wished to congratulate Han Chiang on its hundredth year celebration.

At 10 o’clock in the evening, the Han Chiang Centenary Gala Dinner was wrapped up with a colourful and majestic display of fireworks. Everyone left with another sweet memory created in Han Chiang.

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