毕业典礼通告 Notice of Graduation Ceremony
明天2/11 (周六)是本校一年一度毕业典礼。由于今年观礼者众多,席位有限,因此凭邀请卡进入礼堂,一张卡仅限一人入场。如没有邀请卡者,可到礼堂外面课室观赏典礼,我们将设现场转播,和摄影棚。
出席者请于8:30 am之前入席,典礼预计将12:00 pm结束。
另外,出席者车子可在7:30 am后进入校园,停放在本校体育馆旁停车场。
Tomorrow (Saturday, 02 November 2019) is the school annual Graduation Ceremony. Due to a large number of attendees this year and limited hall capacity, only attendees with Invitation Card are allowed to enter the hall.
Please bring this invitation card and present it at the hall entrance. ONE (1) card admits for ONE (1) person only. Those without the invitation card may watch the live telecast of the ceremony in the classrooms. We will also set up a photo booth.
All attendees may enter the school compound after 7:30 am and park the vehicles at the car park beside the school indoor stadium.
Attendees should be seated by 8:30 am. The ceremony is estimated to end at 12:00 pm.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.