
国内(私立)& 国外学院 Local (Private) & Foreign  Colleges 韩江传媒大学学院
Han Chiang University College
of Communication
国内(私立)及 国外大学/学院
Local(Private) & Foreign Universities/Colleges
3+0 Degree


Han Chiang High School
2 yrs Cambridge IGCSE (O’level) Programme 高中三年 统考文商理科/商美技职科课程
3 yrs Senior UEC/UEC-V Program
3 yrs Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme 初中三年 / 统考课程
3yrs Junior UEC Program
(Provide Chinese foundation class for foreign student to build up their language ability)


*高中统考Senior UEC (Unified Examination Certificate):


There are over thousand overseas and all local private universities recognize senior UEC as the 12th year of school education (primary 1 to senior middle 3) or equivalent to advanced level (A’ level) that meet their entry requirements into the first year of their degree programs. The good UEC result’s holder may apply for admission by means of UEC along with recognised language qualifications.


* Cambridge IGCSE (O’level) Programme :

After O’level, students can choose to study at the local private or overseas college for  A-Levels, diploma or foundation  before going on to university studies.


  1. 董总升学讨论区www.djz.edu.my
  2. 升学互动网www.fsi.com.my
  3. 英文网站www.easyuni.my