
Objectives of Co-Curricular Activities

  1. 提高学生的组织能力、领导能力和自律能力。
    To enhance students' organizational skills, leadership and self-discipline.
  2. 培养学生的自主学习态度。
    To promote a self-learning attitude among students.
  3. 促进学生在德、智、体、群、美、劳的发展。
    To foster students' development in ethics, intellect, physical development, social skills, aesthetics and career-related experiences.
  4. 激发学生的潜能及发展他们的特长。
    To nurture students' potential and develop their skills and competencies.
  5. 增强学生的身体素质和思维敏捷性。
    To improve students' physical fitness and mental alertness.
  6. 推动群体及社区活动,提升纪律。
    To promote community-based activities and enhance their sense of discipline.

Organization Chart of Co-curriculum Department

Types of Societies or Clubs or Sports